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Ferry Fair 2020 update 16/05/2020

Updated: Jun 10, 2020

As you know from our first communication at the start of this month the Ferry Fair Committee have met regularly over Zoom and have been busy exploring options for 2020. Our overlying concern throughout our meetings is for the safety of the children, volunteers and the people of the Ferry.  We discussed cancelling this year but agreed that we desperately want to give the Ferry something to remember during this difficult and unprecedented time, we hope you understand and support this.  Due to current and potentially longer term social distancing measures we believe it is highly unlikely that we will be able to have a large gathering on the High Street, and we know this is disappointing but out with our control. We are now considering 2 options to allow a Crowning Ceremony of our Queen Elect, Jessica.  

  1. If we are able to have the Court together for the crowning (socially distanced of course), this will be at a secure location around Queensferry. 

  2. We are unable to have a gathering of any kind, even  socially distanced, we are exploring if the crowning could take place in private with perhaps a small tour of the town. If this happens we are talking about how we could carry a bigger celebration into 2021. 

Whatever we are able to do will be streamed live - if you can help with this please get in touch. Queensferry Memorial Pipe Band have kindly come forward and offered to make ‘make as much noise’ for the kids which we hugely appreciate.  The Committee have sadly decided there will be no P1 and P2 Posy Girls or Escorts this year. If we are able to go ahead with option 1 this is to help us establish safe distancing measures with a smaller court, this will allow P3 still take part. Any of the Posy Girls and Escorts missing out this year and want to be part of the court in 2021 will have a spot - making next years court bigger and even better! We’d also like to encourage anyone who would like to decorate their home this year to do just that - you don’t have to be in the Court. Please don’t feel under any pressure, there won’t be any judging or prizes this year but our town will look amazing! Just to recap for financial reasons we are only planning for the Ferry Fair Saturday Crowning ceremony, there will be no Ferry Fair Week. There will be a programme and we’re working out the logistics of selling this.  Some of you may have noticed that the website is new and with a different provider so for clarity  the ‘ticket’ button was a mistake.  This remains a fluid situation  so as things evolve we will continue to post on Facebook and update the website There is a closed Facebook page for all members of the court.  We are still hoping for the best but planning for the worst and we thank you all for your continued support, please continue to stay safe. The Ferry Fair Committee

Ferry Fair Festival Committee

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