Not everyone reading this may be aware just how much it costs to stage the Ferry Fair each year. On average the Ferry Fair costs £25,000+ to organise each year, this includes all the not very glamourous things we need like insurance and licencing as well as all the entertainment that is available throughout the week for everyone to enjoy.
This level of cost means that a lot of fundraising is required on an ongoing basis to ensure that the Ferry Fair can be paid for.
Funds are raised in many ways, these are just some of the fundraising activities and things that help raise money for the Fair. They are also ways in which you can support this longstanding and historical event.
There is also the option of donating directly via our Total Giving link, below :
The committee would like to thank everyone who has generously contributed funds over the years.
The Fair is organised and run by a team of volunteers and helpers, so all funds raised go directly towards delivering events during Ferry Fair Week, keeping these free and inclusive for all to attend.
Programme Income
An important and regular source of income for the Fair is from the programme – both from programme sales, but also income from the many advertisers who take an advert in the programme, some of whom have been supporting us for many, many years. Thanks to all our local businesses who advertise in the programme and everyone who buys a copy.
Jim Liddell Memorial Dinner
We have been fortunate to benefit from generous donations over the years from the Jim Liddell Memorial Dinner. This annual fundraising gentlemen’s dinner was first organised as a Ferry Fair fundraiser by the late Jim Liddell, a long-standing supporter and committee member of the Ferry Fair. Following Jim’s death, a group of his friends decided to continue the tradition and re-named the event in Jim’s memory. Over the years the Fair has benefited to the extent of more than £35,000. These dinners are organised every year by the Jim Liddell Memorial Fund Committee.
Grand Raffle
Our grand raffle is a great source of fundraising. Without the support of local businesses in donating fantastic prizes year on year, we would not be able to hold this, so thanks go to all prize donors, as well as everyone buying raffle tickets. We are now also selling raffle tickets on-line and will be continuing this year. If you enter, good luck…!
Ferry Fair 100 Club
A great way to support Ferry Fair and have a chance of winning £50.00 each month for 12 months.
Details and application form here.
The Ferry Fair Bookshop on the High Street provides the Fair with a regular source of income and thanks go to everyone who uses the bookshop and contributes, but special thanks go to all the volunteers who help run the bookshop.
We are always looking for any new volunteers interesting in helping in the bookshop. If you are interested, please contact annemarie@ferryfair.co.uk.
Sponsorship of Events
A number of events held during Ferry Fair week are sponsored by local people and businesses. Thanks go to all these businesses and individuals for sponsoring these events, in some cases for many, many years. The continued support of everyone in the community is amazing and remains vital to ensure sufficient funds are raised each year to organise Ferry Fair. As a committee we are truly grateful for every donation that is made.
Forthcoming Fundraisers
In addition to the above sources of fairly regular income, the 2024 committee has been organising some fundraising events. As well as boosting our income and ensuring we have sufficient funding to pay for this year’s Fair, but also for planning Ferry Fair 2025.
Children’s Disco : Saturday 13th April 2024
We are holding a children’s disco (primary school age) on Saturday 13th April at the Rosebery Hall. There will be music, games and a tuck shop.
Afternoon Tea : Saturday 1st June 2024
This will be held on Saturday 1st June at the Masonic Lodge. As well as Afternoon Tea, everyone will be offered a glass of prosecco on arrival and there will be entertainment during the afternoon.
Fundraising Weekend in Tesco, Ferrymuir : 4th / 5th May 2024
Over the first weekend in May we will be holding a bucket collection at Tesco’s Ferrymuir. A big thanks to Drew and his team for allowing us to undertake this collection.
Sponsored Walk : Friday 12th July 2024
All children selected to participate in this year’s Fair will be asked if they would like to complete a sponsored walk (their participation in the Fair is not linked to this in any way, it is completely optional) in early July to raise funds.