The Royal Proclamations
Proclamation of the Annual Fair, 1687
Whereas His Majesty Charles the First of ever-blessed memory, by his Charter under his Great Seal, has granted liberty for and ordained a free fair yearly to be held and kept within this burgh beginning from St James’ Day, being 25th July, and to continue for the space of eight days. And this 25th July, which is the day of the Fair, is to begin for this present year 1687. I, by order of the Lord Provost and Bailies and Council of this burgh; do hereby make this public intimation thereof to all persons to the effect that they may repair of this burgh with all sorts of wares and commodities to be sold, and to declare the said free space of eight days. And that all persons whatsoever shall have the liberty to vent and sell all commodities whatsoever within this burgh during the said space upon payment of the dues and customs used and wont. And to the effect that persons repairing here may be better accommodated during the said space ordained all bakers, brewers, fleshers and other entertainment, both for man and horse, upon reasonable charges, without extortion or exorbitant prices, as they will be answerable. And further, I hereby prohibit and discharge all sturdy and randie beggars and other vagabond persons who have no wares or commodities to sell, to repair or be seen within the burgh during the said space of the Fair. And certifying that such as may be seen shall be imprisoned and punished at the Magistrates’ pleasure. And lastly, to the Provost, Bailies and Council do stop all executions upon their decreets against any persons during the space of the said Fair and discharge their offices from putting them in execution.
The Queen’s Proclamation
Queen Margaret
Whereas on this important occasion we are pleased to meet our loyal subjects, so that our Royal will and pleasure be made known in the following proclamation.
Firstly: In the name and on behalf of our faithful subjects, we extend a hearty welcome to all who have come to join us in our present celebrations.
Secondly: Let all our loyal subjects strive to live in peace, charity, and good-will one towards another.
Thirdly: Let a respectful and ready obedience be given to all parents, teachers and those placed in authority.
Fourthly: We desire that all animals, wild or tame, in all places of our dominions, shall be treated kindly.
Lastly: We tender our Royal thanks to the people of this ancient and Royal Burgh of Queensferry for what they have done to give our faithful subjects this opportunity for pleasure and sport. It is our Royal will that this day should be given up to these.