The court has been picked the same way for as many years as we can remember !!
Every year round about February, letters go out to all the primary schools in Queensferry. Each age group that can be in the fair is given letters. The school which have the main court, this year being St Margaret’s, get letters for the older year groups to select The Queen and her court. The children are given a week to return the forms, this year we gave an extra week in case children were absent from school due to Covid. The return slips are handed back to school and eventually collected by the court coordinator.
A time is organised where the court team get together and select the Ferry Fair Court. The selection process for the Queen is by taking all the girls in P6 who returned their slips saying they were interested in taking part. These are literally put in a hat and picked out. There is no prior knowledge or preference to the process. The committee have no vote or say in it. It is just a random draw. This process is then followed for all the parts in the fair.
Letters then go out to all the children who have been picked, informing them of the part they have been picked for. We then have our Ferry Fair Court of 2022.
